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Vargr Complex Mining Concentrates
  • Vargr Complex Mining Concentrates

    Vargr Complex Mining Concentrates - 3 Pounds
    Gold and More


    Our concentrates can be a challenge because of all the associated minerals, sulphides, etc.  For those who love a challenge, these cons are for you.


    These amazing concentrates come from the Vargr Complex - a hard rock mine located in South Central Alaska.  Main commodities are gold, silver/galena, copper, zinc.

    Heavily enriched deposits also include pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite and MORE!……. Absolutely gorgeous ore.

    There is free mill gold and silver, with more locked in the sulfides (pyrites)!  Super fun to pan this stuff out.


    Sluice or pan the gold and silver out, then keep the pyrites in a jar as a novelty to show/trick your friends and family.  You can also get a smelter kit to roast/smelt the sulphides (pyrites) to free the gold and silver trapped inside.


    This is from a working mine.  I am taking the ore I process for my own reserves and sell to the refiners and am now offering it direct to you.


    I crush it, wash it once over my sluices to remove 90% of the gangue (slate, quartz) material to concentrate the ore.


    That’s what we offer.  Not tailings from a mine that maybe held some gold or silver back in the day…. No… Fresh from the earth, concentrated, so you don’t have to worry about the labor and cost of getting it ready for the pan….


    What you see in the pictures is just a portion of the Lode with streaks of heavily disseminated gold bearing sulfides (pyrites) and free mill gold disbursed throughout the streak.


    The pressure and heat were so great during its creation the surrounding host rock is also heavily infused with beautiful galena and additional sulfides. The galena, (containing silver) has assayed out at phenomenal numbers.


    The material you will receive consists of 1/4 inch down to super fines.


    Yes! We guarantee you will find gold, silver, or both, and other goodies in your pan.


    Hours of fun guaranteed.

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